The Area Based Approach to Development Emergency Initiatives Project (ABADEI) is a rapid response to the country’s economic fragility in the aftermath of the August ’21 powershift in Afghanistan. Developed by UNDP, the project adopts integrated solutions to address five key issues: (1) food security, (2) water, (3) energy, (4) health, and (5) livelihoods and […]
Third Party Monitoring of Education Services (community-based education and public schools) in Afghanistan

For nearly two decades, the Afghanistan Government has supported the establishment of community-based education (CBE) mechanisms to reach isolated populations and those affected by conflict and war. Along with the formal school system, UNICEF continuously supports the Afghan government’s Community-Based Education (CBE) programme, establishing Community-Based Schools (CBS) and Accelerated Learning Centres (ALC) within a three-kilometre […]
Third Party Monitoring of behavioral outcomes for nutrition, health, and water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) practices through an integrated delivery approach in Jawzjan and Kandahar

ACT for Performance with Premium Performance Consulting deploys 60 Data collectors to survey the health facilities (HF) and health posts (HP), community workers and other stakeholders in Kandahar and in Jawzjan. The overall outcome of the project is to monitor the coverage and quality of nutrition and health services for women of reproductive age, pregnant […]
Post payment verification of 194,000 teacher’s incentive payments in all 34 provinces of Afghanistan

In the interim of implementing teacher payment at scale, UNICEF has taken a humanitarian approach to secure unconditional funding for two months of incentive payments to teachers to provide the support they need during the winter and to be ready to teach in the coming school year. ACT for Performance has been mandated to verify […]
Provision of registration and verification of teachers through Third-Party Monitoring Services to UNICEF

Since August 2021 and the installation of a new government in Afghanistan, public school teachers have stopped receiving their salaries with few exceptions nationwide. Although primary schools were open at the start of the school year throughout the country, keeping them open during the current school year has been challenging due to the lack of […]